Kaizen for Business Process Improvement
Benefits of Implementing a Lean Daily Management System
Creating a culture of excellence and execution at each layer of your organization
Daily 10-15 minute huddle vs. 3-4 hour weekly/monthly marathon meetings
Consistent proactive daily follow-thru on key priorities from leadership (daily leader rounds) versus consistent reactive daily “fire fighting”
80% of improvement ideas and actions come from the front line staff vs. 80% of these ideas coming from senior leadership (engaging your front line staff)
Creating a more frequent “Cadence” or rhythm for improvement (daily tempo vs. monthly tempo)
Aligning senior leadership, middle management and front line staff daily on key goals
Front line staff knows what is most important today as well as their progress daily vs. staff unsure what their priorities are and how they are doing (anxiety)
Leaders "round" with staff to learn how they are progressing towards their unit goals, where the gaps are, why the gaps exist and those ideas/actions that staff are implementing and need help with
Leaders escalate ideas that staff need help with on a daily basis (follow-through)
Progress on key organizational goals not only moves faster, but also sustains over time (daily accountability)
Engaging front line staff to problem solve how to deliver better patient care daily
Front line staff thinking critically and creatively to solve problems within their department/unit to improve patient care daily
Improved employee engagement (higher morale...staff's opinions are valued and they are actively engaged in the improvement of their workplace)